Welcome to our latest newsletter, the TiCSA Tourism Snapshot, for November 2023.
We’re still buzzing from the 2023 South Australian Tourism Awards Gala Dinner on November 3. The night was nothing short of spectacular, with over 650 people coming together to share in the excitement and celebrate our outstanding achievers.
On the advocacy front, last week I provided representation to government on the Department for Education’s snap announcement regarding seawater activities for school children on behalf of impacted businesses. Pleasingly, the Department’s decision has since been reconsidered. TiCSA is, and will continue to, represent business perspectives and concerns, providing government with real, tangible examples on how they can improve their systems and processes to minimise adverse effects on tourism businesses.
I also had informative discussions this week with the team managing the Department of Treasury and Finance’s Economic Recovery Fund. For assistance in understanding the fund, please use the email address EconomicRecoveryFund@sa.gov.au.Alternatively, feel free to contact me directly, and we will follow up on your behalf.
Read on for more detail on Tourism Award winners, an invite to our Christmas Party, and more.
Warm regards,
Shaun de Bruyn
Chief Executive Officer
Tourism Industry Council SA