Jessica Ayliffe

Jessica Ayliffe

Casino Dining Operations Manager | SkyCity Adelaide I always wanted a career in hospitality, so I went to TAFE and studied a Diploma in Hotel Management, before starting my first job at the Chifley Hotel back in 1996. In the past 20+ years I have worked at Stamford...
Isaac Gates

Isaac Gates

Travel Team Leader | RAA Travel When I returned from a two-year working holiday 15 years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career. I knew I loved travel, and after I saw a job ad for a travel consultant, I never looked back. I love travel, so it’s...
Toni Oxer

Toni Oxer

Inbound Consultant | TAFE SA Graduate I have been in the tourism industry approximately one-and-ahalf years. As part of my Bachelor of Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management degree through TAFE SA, I completed an industry placement with Bunnik Tours. At the end of...
Rebecca Brown

Rebecca Brown

Senior Ranger | National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia (NPWS) Everyone I work with took a different path on their journey to become a Ranger. I started with an Honours degree in Biodiversity and Conservation, but my first role was customer service with an...
Katie McCraith

Katie McCraith

Brand and Advertising Manager | G’Day Group Throughout my career, I’ve tried to stick with a principle of saying “yes” to everything and soaking up as much as possible from each experience. It’s okay not to know exactly what you want to do, and it’s only by starting...