quality tourism framework / Don’t Risk It Accreditation Module
Don’t Risk It Accreditation
Don’t Risk It is a new risk management planning program developed specifically for tourism businesses.
TiCSA is pleased to make this important best-practice business tool available to South Australian tourism businesses via the Quality Tourism Framework.
For a limited time, Quality Tourism Accredited Businesses (QTAB) can access the module for free.
What you will get:
- Resources and information about risk management planning for tourism
- Personalised risk assessment tool to assist you to prepare a comprehensive risk management plan covering readiness, response, recovery and prevention.
Don’t Risk It – Risk Management Tool
Developing a comprehensive Risk Management Plan can be daunting for many businesses.
The Risk Assessment Tool, accessed online via the Quality Tourism Framework, is a user-friendly program that identifies and assesses the likelihood and consequence of risks specific to each business type.
After completion, a customised Risk Assessment is generated. It first prioritises risks and outlines their impact. The assessment then proceeds to identify preventive and control measures to minimise the occurrence, followed by the steps to take should the risk occur.
What are the benefits of completing the tool?
- Awareness of potential risks helps keeps you safe, prepared and ready. Your personalised Risk Assessment Plan will clearly outline and prioritise the identified risks that your business may face.
- As the tourism landscape evolves, so does the possible risks to businesses. The Risk Assessment Tool allows for regular review and updates to your risk management plan to help you stay ahead of possible challenges.
- Having a Risk Assessment Plan can help your business save money. Reducing the possibility of incidents and subsequent legal liability can help protect your business but also maintain the safety of your visitors, staff and more. For every dollar spent on preparedness $3-8 are saved in recovery efforts.
How do I complete the tool?
Businesses holding accreditation through the Star Ratings program or Quality Tourism Accreditation program (QTAB) can register and commence the Risk Management program at any time via the online Quality Tourism Australia portal.
The Risk Assessment Tool streamlines the process of creating a comprehensive Risk Management Plan. With a user-friendly interface, a customised Risk Management Plan for your tourism business can be prepared in under an hour.
Tailored to suit the tourism industry, this tool has been built to meet the unique challenges that tourism business operators face.
To complete your Risk Assessment Plan, simply determine the consequence and likelihood of each risk presented.
The Don’t Risk It accreditation module is easy to access and complete:
- Log into the Quality Tourism Framework portal.
- Select the ‘Risk Management’ program under the ‘Apply for’ tab at the bottom of the page and hit ‘APPLY’.
- Once your registration has been approved by TICSA, log into the portal and click ‘view more detail’ under ‘accreditation summary’.
- Click ‘assessment’ in the Risk Management program and work your way through your ‘profile’.
- Once this has been completed, hit the ‘submit’ button and your Risk Assessment Report will be automatically generated.
Case studies
Hear from these tourism businesses about the importance of risk management planning: