Members Portal / Business Tools
A handy list of business tools to assist with your business development.
Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
The Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW) is the national platform for digital tourism information on Australia.
The ATDW system is a central distribution and storage facility for tourism industry product and destination information from all Australian States and Territories. This content is compiled in a nationally agreed format and electronically accessible by tourism business owners, wholesalers, retailers and distributors for use in their websites and booking systems. It is an easy online tool that gives you control of your listing and the ability to make your own updates whenever you want.
You can register for FREE with the ATDW.
Having your business listed on the ATDW has the following benefits:
- Single entry point to many websites
- Publication on and
- Publication on multiple ATDW distributor websites and channels
- Wider exposure for your product.
Visitor Information Centres
Click here to download a standard VIC booking agreement template.
Social Media, Marketing & Websites
The team at Purple Giraffe have prepared a Tourism Marketing Health Check to help tourism operators better understand their marketing direction and assets. This complimentary health check is a self-guided assessment of your current marketing activities, which can assist in identifying any gaps and future opportunities. Once completed, we recommend getting in touch with Director Lynda Schenk to help you work through your outcomes. Click here to get started!
Templates to get you started with producing your marketing and / or social media strategies.
Marketing and Communications Plan >
Strategic Marketing Plan – Simple >
Strategic Marketing Plan – Extensive >
Find out how your tourism business can benefit from working with socia media influencers.
Working with Influences Fact Sheet >
Other useful tools:
Australian Taxation Office for Business
More than just a place to lodge your activity statement, the ATO for business website provides useful links and key tax topics for business, including tax basics for small business.
Pricing and Your Fair-Trading Obligations (ACCC)
Under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 you must ensure that your advertising correctly represents the product you are selling, including its price and any inclusions or exclusions. For all you need to know about advertising the price of your tourism product or experience, please download a copy of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s (ACCC’s) ‘Pricing Manual for the Travel Industry’.
Bushfire Safety
As a tourism operator, it is essential for you to have a Bushfire Survival Plan for your business. As part of your duty of care, it is important that you make a reasonable effort to protect, educate and advise your guests about possible fire situations and what they are to do in the event of a fire.
Once you have a Bushfire Survival Plan in place, everyone who works at or visits your business should be aware of your emergency management procedures.
Planning is a continuous process. To be effective in an emergency, plans must be regularly checked, tested and updated as conditions in your business and environment change.
Download the SA Country Fire Service smartphone app which provides bushfire alerts and safety information. Available from iTunes App Store and Google Play.
For more information, visit the Country Fire Service Website.
Events & Festivals
A comprehensive checklist to guide you through all the event steps. This list will help you think of all the elements possibly involved in your event.
Event Management and Planning >
A detailed look at the process of event management and planning. A useful guide to help try to increase your event success.
The SA Tourism Commission has prepared useful resources to support the successful delivery of COVID-safe events and festivals in South Australia.
Employment & Pay
Tourism Hospitality Career Guide >
Discover Your Career is the portal for career pathways and jobs in tourism and hospitality and is managed by the THCC (Tourism & Hospitality Careers Council).
Guide to Hiring New Employees >
The guide gives small business operators advice in plain English about the best way to employ new employees and explains their workplace obligations in simple terms.
Guide to the 457 Program for the Tourism and Hospitality Industries >
Australia has a number of skilled migration programs each with a different aim and purpose. The 457-visa program is the simplest and fastest option to address immediate skill shortages in your business.
The National Employment Standards (NES) are 10 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees in Australia.
Learn about pay obligations, including minimum wages, pay slip and record-keeping requirements and the rules regarding unpaid work.
Why Pay Commission Factsheet >
Interactive Tourism Product Pricing Calculator Tool >
The Fair Work Commission is the national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to wages, employment conditions, enterprise bargaining, industrial action, dispute resolution, termination of employment and other workplace matters.
Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia
By taking simple steps, you can prevent discrimination and harassment in your business, and save time, money and your reputation. You can also improve staff relations and customer satisfaction.
SafeWork SA is responsible for administering occupational health, safety and welfare and industrial relations laws in South Australia.
Food & Beverage
A food business has a legal responsibility to ensure that food sold to customers is handled and processed in a way that will ensure its safety. Food must be adequately and accurately labelled to ensure consumers can make an informed choice.
In South Australia food businesses are required to comply with the Food Act 2001 and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Business Support & Grants
GRANTassist provides businesses with access to up to date information on State and Federal Government assistance and programs relevant to Businesses. GRANTassist can help you locate the assistance and program initiatives most relevant to your business needs.
The Federal Government’s business assistance website,, is a handy site for new businesses with how-to guides and advice.
The Australian Government, through Austrade, has a range of assistance programs to support tourism, and along with Tourism Australia, promotes, attracts and facilitates investment into Australia’s tourism sector. Tourism Research Australia provides research and analysis to support policy and industry development. Tourism 2020 is an update to Australia’s national strategy to support industry growth.
This website has been designed for businesses and individuals seeking government services and information.
Australian Taxation Office for Business
More than just a place to lodge your activity statement, the ATO for business website provides useful links and key tax topics for business, including tax basics for small business.
The Privacy Act contains privacy principles that outline standards that must be met in regard to the collection, use, disclosure and storage of personal information.
Licensing ensures licence holders meet standards, so they are able to perform their duties. You can obtain a licence or check if a company or person is licensed to do the job.
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Scam Watch
Don’t let scammers steal your money and personal details – protect yourself.
Pricing and your Fair Trading Obligations (ACCC)
Under the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 you must ensure that your advertising correctly represents the product you are selling, including its price and any inclusions or exclusions. For all you need to know about advertising the price of your tourism product or experience, please download a copy of the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s (ACCC’s) ‘Pricing Manual for the Travel Industry’.
Any contracts that are entered into are subject to the ‘Unfair Contract Terms’ law. Essentially, consumers are now able to dispute the terms of any contracts that are entered into.
For a brief outline of the law, please refer to the Unfair Contract Terms, which provides an overview of the key aspects of the law and how it may affect you.
Consumer and Business Services
Consumer and Business Services (CBS) ensures that laws affecting consumers, traders and businesses in South Australia are fairly and effectively administered.
CBS provides a diverse range of services to support the everyday activities of South Australian citizens whether consumers, traders or businesses. CBS is customer focused and flexible in its activities and provides accessible services and information.
The Law Handbook Online contains an overview of the law in South Australia presented in everyday language. It outlines your rights and responsibilities in a range of legal areas and advises on where you can go for more assistance. It is important that you use the Law Handbook Online as a starting point only, and not as a substitute for legal advice.
Jobs for International Students
Register on StudyAdelaide’s Employer Portal to be connected with an international student or graduate, free of charge.
If you are interested in recruiting an international student/graduate, we encourage you to speak with your local Council and RDA to pursue this further. Likewise, if you have a job opportunity available, it can be promoted to international students via the Employer Portal.
Tours & Transport
Information for anyone intending to become a driver of a taxi, small or large passenger vehicle must be formally accredited and adhere to a standard.
Transport, Travel and Motoring
Information on everything from cycling, motoring and heavy vehicles.
Tourist Attraction Road Signage
There are specific criteria that apply for different types of tourist accommodation. Read the Road Sign Guidelines – Guide to visitor and service road signs in South Australia before completing your application.
The View - TiCSA Member Magazine
Visitor Profiles & Customer Journey Mapping
Tourism Research Australia release Domestic Visitor Profiles to help tourism operators better understand the different demographics and activities of domestic overnight visitors.
Persona Template – Empty Nester (Pamela & Gary) >
Business Model Canvas Template >
Persona Template – Millenial (Brent) >
Persona Template – Buyer (Ethan) >
Persona Template – Buyer (Matt) >
Persona Template – Buyer (Tanya) >
Persona Template – Young Family (Rachel) >
Persona Template – German Experience Seeker (Gabi) >
Personal Template – Buyer (blank) >
Persona Template – North American Experience Seeker >
Persona Template – Millenial Sydney >